Green Valley was a picture-perfect colonial town and the Kramer house was a neat old place in an expensive part of it.
Our shopping desires unfulfilled and pounds (sterling) to burn, my friend and I headed for Great Brington, the picture-perfect town just a few minutes from Althorp.
Then as they reach an understanding, the phantom reappears good as new and Melinda trots around her picture-perfect small town, performing errands on the ghost's behalf.
Like the one the bartender told Gwen Lancaster about a picture-perfect small town that turns to vigilantism to combat crime.
The picture-perfect town is extremely popular in summer, when the year-round population of 613 swells with the trendy and chic who drive up rents by taking houses in Deià.
With its timbered houses, twisted streets and Gothic cathedral, this picture-perfect town in Burgundy looks much as it did 500 years ago.
Ready for sparkling seas and picture-perfect towns?
A historic toboggan run in Eagles Mere, a picture-perfect rural town that sits within the Macellus Shale.
Nothing in this picture-perfect town reminds Daryl Williams of home.
As the final credits roll on this documentary exploration of the forces tearing apart an idyllically picture-perfect small town in upstate New York, it is revealed that the local citizenry was played by actors.