And television news found no pictorial values in the Asian connection.
Cubism, despite the strong intellectual bias and obvious concern with purely formal pictorial values, was never at any stage an abstract art.
Without rupture or break, from the 1980s onwards his work evolved, and returned to more traditional pictorial values and to a type of narrative often closer to his 1950's work.
If we could shoot there, the pictorial values alone would be worth something.
Accurate in perspective, he used it with an eye to pictorial value and showed particular skill in placing his vividly sketched figures at varying distances from the spectator.
Whilst data presented in graphical form have pictorial value, permitting crude general statements to be made about a sediment, they are of little value for detailed comparisons with other samples.
Choice camerawork sustains the film's overall impact while sweeping through the entire production is a magnificent score by Hanns Eisler which heightens all of the film's pictorial values.
In the final analysis, both the Lopes and Okamoto photographs are of interest primarily because of the information they provide, not because of any esthetic or pictorial values.
Its interior is decorated with tiles showing a great pictorial value as well as its baroque altar.
Also, much like Courbet, he chose subject matter largely for pictorial value rather than emotional impact.