His creations soon began not only to challenge the conventional view of reality, but also to push pictorial expression to the limits of consciousness.
In centuries when few people could read or write, the seal provided a pictorial expression of Royal approval which all could understand.
It also includes the native pre-Columbian pictorial expression on modern Chilean territory.
To support himself, he worked for decades giving elaborate pictorial expression to the architectural designs of another, more noted practitioner, Sir John Soane.
Material prepared in connection with a game may be subject to copyright if it contains a sufficient amount of literary or pictorial expression.
Studies investigating music and emotion in children primarily play a musical excerpt for children and have them look at pictorial expressions of faces.
The Bible is full of such analogies and pictorial expressions which point beyond themselves.
Characteristic of her oeuvre is an aesthetic, abstract yet sensual pictorial expression which combines natural and mechanical forms.
The computer's new powers of pictorial expression will enhance the art of photography but erode its guarantee of realism.
It is nourished wholly on the spiritual truth to which it gives pictorial expression.