He compiled and edited many collections and anthologies of short stories, pictorial books, annotations, and books on historical subjects.
Selected early ship's plans (dating from 1860 to 1882) are reproduced in a pictorial book by McCluskie (1998).
It resulted in a definitive pictorial book on the band It Was 30 Years Ago Today.
Obie Oberholzer - Contemporary South African Photographer, author of several pictorial books.
He is currently producing a pictorial book titled Silent Cinema, with which he wishes to revive Pakistan's film industry.
Dweck authored a 2011 pictorial book, Habana Libre, about the privileged class in modern Cuba.
The pictorial book of the commodores: comprising lives of distinguished commanders in the navy of the United States.
Mr. Reilly envisions a third use for the glass: "I'd love to do a pictorial book about churches and stained-glass windows."
The artist isn't putting everything he knows, every trick in the pictorial book, into each one, and this is a relief.
The company now publishes calendars as well as coastal histories, literary anthologies, pictorial books, videos and note cards.