This book gives us something its rivals do not: a verbal and pictorial account of what's behind the scenes when the gardens are closed to the public.
These include foundation nails (pictured), building plans (pictured) and pictorial accounts sculpted on limestone stelae.
With its pictures of tubes, medical hardware and bare flesh, the piece is like an in-the-trenches pictorial account of war.
While Gerard is looking at a pictorial account of Napoleon's life on a magic lantern, Napoleon tells him the story of what really happened.
It provides an important pictorial account of life in the colonies before the wide spread use of photography.
Finally, remembering the trip: Even if you're not a camera enthusiast, you can still create an interesting pictorial account of your trip with postcards.
Mr. Distaso presented a pictorial account of how he believed Mr. Peterson killed his wife in December 2002.
He commissioned this pictorial account, which caused a sensation at the Royal Academy in 1778.
Teams of soldier-artists created pictorial accounts and interpretations for the annals of army military history.
In themselves they're historic, but it was Ponting's expertise as a stills cameraman that has given the world a stunning pictorial account of a legendary expedition.