Each of the first three books then close with a discussion between the Agent in the picket ship and his computer partner/overseer.
We don't know how many picket ships we'll be forced to face down.
The original agent is on a picket ship and downloads information from his copies.
However the kamikazes also made targets of the picket ships.
The book closes with the Agent in the picket ship being even more affected by this latest experience.
"This picket ship has more than enough armament for such a simple task."
The picket ship is being quickly outfitted, but it's going to need your computer to control the industry we're putting into her.
Still, he felt closer to the goal to be able to listen to the relay from the picket ship.
They passed the last picket ship and received a good luck from the crew.
The picket ship would stay on orbit to observe as Kennedy went down.