The pianos introduce the movement, followed by the xylophone.
The piano then introduces new material in C major and begins transitioning to the dominant key of G major.
The piano introduces the song, through a series of chords in the right hand over single notes in the left hand.
The piano introduces the first subject, a rapid chordal figure, with dissonant interjections from the winds and brass.
I: Introduction and Royal March of the Lion After an introduction the pianos introduce a march theme.
The pianos then introduce a march theme that they carry through most of the rest of the introduction.
Piano and orchestra continue in dialogue until the piano introduces the harmonic structure for the second theme with a loud, unexpected march-like climax.
It begins with the sound of desolated winds as the piano introduces a dramatic yet simple introduction.
Melodic and rhythmic play continue through the A section of the movement till the piano introduces the development with explosive minor triads.
The piano and orchestra introduce the theme and develop it before a quiet section intervenes.