The payoff comes when Martin stretches out the words "you are" in a falsetto sung over the piano figure.
The recording begins with Harrison's emotive introduction backed by a "rolling piano figure" from Russell.
Every part is arranged where bass lines and piano figures and drum patterns all interconnect.
The Joni Mitchell song "Woodstock" from 1970 uses the same chords and piano figure.
Songs build and form around revolving guitar or piano figures, the layers piling on until each track reaches epic proportions.
During the song's outro, Jonny Greenwood plays a piano figure.
Sometimes (oh, happy moment) he'd have me play a simple constant piano figure while he showed me what the other voices were doing.
The lazy descending piano figures introduce a principle of repetition that dominates both movements.
A piano figure starts up again, and a chorus, then the horns, and then the full band is on its way again.
Dissonant bass and piano figures played call and response in short bursts.