The dressing rooms were also renovated, creating an office for the coach, physiotherapy room, and a bath and showers area.
It contains offices, conference halls and a restaurant, internet café and a doctor's surgery and physiotherapy rooms are planned.
The Artistic Tent for the performers houses the wardrobe area, a fully equipped training area, and a physiotherapy room.
In addition to the main pool, there was an aerotone therapeutic bath, Turkish baths, physiotherapy rooms, hot showers, a first class restaurant and a large reception area.
It also has gymnasium and fitness centre, steam and sauna facilities, physiotherapy rooms.
In the 2003-04 season, Miller started off in the physiotherapy room; it was not until October that he made his first Premier League start.
Amenities including twenty large studios with a professional non-slip dance floor, changing rooms with showers and lockers, study area, and a physiotherapy room.
A physiotherapy room, snoozer's room, and electrotherapy rooms are some of the basic features of the centre.
The club house area has five dressing rooms with showers, physiotherapy rooms, and a board room.
Indoor facilities at the Llandarcy Academy of Sport include a multi-purpose indoor training facility, a sport-testing laboratory, a physiotherapy room and a well-equipped fitness suite.