NHN is physiologically active: inhalation of small amounts causes headaches and palpitations.
PLP is also used to create physiologically active amines by decarboxylation of amino acids.
Protein design involves identifying novel sequences within this subset, in particular those with a physiologically active native state.
It is found in the Caribbean area and contains the physiologically active drug prostaglandin A.
Biliary epithelial cells are capable of producing a great variety of physiologically active compounds.
It produces plants that contain physiologically active compounds that accumulate in the plant's tissues.
There are high concentrations of melatonin in the first morning urine, but not in a physiologically active form.
Unlike those in most animals, cuttlefish iridophores are physiologically active; they can change their reflectivity and the degree of polarization can also be controlled.
Following the final converting step in the kidney, calcitriol (the physiologically active form of vitamin D) is released into the circulation.
The physiologically active form of these enzymes is often a homo-hexamer.