"They have different social and physiological needs, so we developed a format to meet those needs."
Robots did not have the same physiological needs as humans.
David relies on caffeine to keep him going but this is probably more due to habit than a physiological need.
Hunger is a sensation experienced when one feels the physiological need to eat food.
The body's physiological need for ultraviolet light can be met by a very small dose of sunlight.
Once you've satisfied your physiological needs, the psychological takes over and soon you begin thinking in more substantial terms.
At the top the individual may be earning enough money to satisfy the basic physiological needs.
Do women have a physiological need for chocolate during those premenstrual syndrome days?
They include the items that Maslow considered to be physiological and safety needs.
After physiological and safety needs are met an individual can then work on meeting the need to belong and be loved.