The three physicists calculated that this procedure would narrow the window, slowing the first beam, but also "tune" the system so that the beam always passes through.
In 1862, the physicist William Thomson (who later became Lord Kelvin) calculated the age of Earth (as a cooling black body) at between 20 million and 400 million years.
With these two numbers (charge, charge to mass ratio), physicists calculated the mass of the electron as 9.10 x 10-28 grams.
More strikingly, inflation allows physicists to calculate the minute differences in temperature of different regions from quantum fluctuations during the inflationary era, and these quantitative predictions have also been confirmed.
A few months later, a German physicist named Karl Schwarzschild calculated that a black hole could exist.
As the silicon detector is located within a magnetic field, the curvature of the path through the silicon allows physicists to calculate the momentum of the particle.
The curvature of the trajectory of the particles in the magnet field allows physicists to calculate the momentum of each of the particles.
Those physicists, and others, calculate that the universe probably contains a great many of the large type of black hole people have heard so much about, and astronomers claim to see evidence for several already.
In order to plan the radiation incidence and dosage, the physicists calculate a map portraying the lines of equal absorbed dose of radiation upon the patient's head (this is called an isodose map).
But this appealing theory suffered a blow two years ago when three Russian physicists calculated that the effect of the weak force would be far too small to impart any bias in the handedness of amino acids.