The physician questioned him sharply, and advised him to see a nerve specialist.
He said some physicians questioned the ethics of "making a profit by using both the hospital and specialized care less."
Since most physicians never question their patients about substance abuse, the number of infants born to drug-abusing mothers is grossly underestimated.
But physicians caring for some of the survivors have questioned whether the small amounts detected could have been the cause of illness.
Recently physicians have questioned the ethics and validity of European trials comparing a mature carotid surgical procedure to carotid stenting performed by inexperienced physicians.
His physician, quite logically under the circumstances, questioned the patient's basic philosophy, and withheld treatment until he'd made the patient fully aware of the significance of his affliction.
While many patients surf the Web and research optimal thyroid function, physicians are questioning whether present guidelines are only diagnosing cases of extreme deviations in function.
They had dismissed them as idle talk, until the physician questioned them.
His private physician questioned his sanity, took his blood pressure while he was seated and decided he was in fine health.
Some physicians question whether the incident took place at all.