Through a team spokesman, the Knicks' physician, Dr. Lisa Callahan, expressed support for it.
However physicians have expressed concern over the efficacy of mesotherapy, arguing that the treatment hasn't been studied enough to make a determination.
Multiple physicians have expressed skepticism regarding the listed cause of death--"adenovirus 2 - a common virus that causes the common cold."
"While individual patients find the information useful in discussions with their physicians," he added in his speech, "patients, physicians and consumers generally express unhappiness with D.T.C. advertising."
In all these cases, the referring physicians had expressed surprise when the lesions turned out to be primary brain tumors arising from primitive neural elements.
Other physicians have expressed concern about using fact sheets to tell patients about possible side effects.
But in interviews and conversation, many physicians expressed an uneasiness about the lecture format and were disturbed by the lack of a focus on patient-related problems.
But this Yale- and Andover-educated physician and psychoanalytically trained pediatrician, whose antiwar conspiracy conviction was overturned in 1969, often expresses verities of another age when it comes to social mores.
"They are right, Mocquino," expressed the physician.
Some physicians have expressed serious reservations as well.