A physician in 1859 claimed that a quarter of all women suffered from hysteria.
Yet he persisted in drinking the wine the physicians claimed only worsened his gout.
Frequently the physician, wanting to keep a patient healthy, must falsely claim a nonexistent diagnosis to validate the use of the screening test.
The physicians claimed that the midwives lacked the knowledge required to successfully birth a child.
Easley's physicians claimed that they never told him to take the quantity of Advil's Easley claimed he took.
In spite of what some male physicians and social arbiters claimed, she had always believed that women were sexual creatures.
But while some physicians claim that residential treatment is vital, several outpatient programs have been successful.
A Spanish physician claimed to have produced a vaccine to fight the outbreak.
At a press conference, one Mexican physician claimed that 85 to 90 percent of his patients had improved with Dr. Kelley's treatment.
The words carried no weight Ferdinand was dead-like Prospero, either of fever or a slow poison, his physicians had claimed to be uncertain.