Her personal physician, Charles Harris, assisted her in getting the insanity ruling reversed.
It is also anyone's guess as to what law-enforcement officials might do if Dr. Kevorkian or another physician assisted in another suicide.
Assisting at the delivery was a Turkish physician, Dr. Emmanuel Timoni.
The California initiative in support of a humane and dignified death law does not require physicians to assist terminally ill patients to end their lives.
About 20 physicians and nurses on-site confirmed the healing of people and assisted in registering their testimonies.
After their broken bones have been set will the physicians assist them in restoring strength and range of motion?
However, the guidelines also recognize that, in exceptional and clearly defined cases, physicians may justifiably assist suicide.
If we permit physicians to assist patients with suicide, we will broaden this newly described "right" to include euthanasia.
On one hand, polls show that many people in Michigan would like to find a way to allow physicians to assist terminally ill people to end their lives.
Frequently a physician or psychiatrist will assist, with prescriptions, the side effects of the addiction.