People with Medicaid have known this for years, since very few physicians will accept them.
The physicians would be accepting a sum to divide among themselves.
Because of the disparity, many private physicians simply won't accept Medicaid patients, who end up using hospital emergency rooms or clinics.
The American Medical Association says that a physician not only may accept a patient's gift but sometimes also should.
Find out if your physicians accept the Medicare-approved amount as full payment.
The companies are gambling that new physicians will be more accepting than those doctors now in practice.
This will not be difficult once physicians accept that honoring a living will does not create a legal risk.
Nonparticipating physicians may either accept assignment, if they choose to, based on the patient's circumstances, or charge a higher fee.
In this tale a physician at court accepted the impossible task of teaching a donkey to speak.
This physician accepted telling the king it would take ten years and be very expensive.