Their black exoskeletons were so tough that the alien machines had survived for more than ten thousand years, physically unscathed.
Nor have I always escaped physically unscathed, for only yesterday the desperate stroke of a dying crab-man's claws tore off my left arm at the elbow.
Even those unscathed physically bear deep psychic wounds.
At least he had come through it physically unscathed.
Thankfully both pilots came out of their fleeting meeting physically unscathed but both will remember the event forever more.
Napoleon was badly shaken, but he had escaped the machine infernale blast physically unscathed.
Otherwise, I seemed to be unscathed physically.
Despite escaping the explosion physically unscathed to a motel, Dent suffers a crisis of conscience and a mental battle with his "Two-Face" personality.
The ritual itself demonstrated who was dominant, and the loser went off, physically unscathed.
He emerged physically unscathed but spent two weeks at John T. Mather Hospital in Port Jefferson until his mental condition stabilized.