And in contrast to using a credit card, which the debit cards physically resemble, no loan is involved in the transaction.
She physically resembles Queen Latifah and her personality is similar to Oprah's.
Duncan's wife was the only woman living on Garden Key who physically resembled Anna's ghost: slender, well proportioned.
They physically resembled, and had identical characteristics to their parents.
So tell me the similarities and differences between Max and the birds she physically resembles.
The Imps have since tried to mimic the Deveels (whom they physically resemble) with only marginal success.
But the younger, the one who physically and emotionally resembled Damon more, the sensual, unselfconscious blonde, remained at home.
E. tenerrima lives in the webs of the spider Modisimus signatus which it also physically resembles.
A large, ebullient figure, Mr. Morley was more introverted than his father, whom he resembled physically.
He is further confused by his feelings towards Kartini, who physically resembles his first love Rukmini.