Certainly they couldn't physically protect a dormitory ship several times the volume of either of them.
They also physically protect the soil surface from heavy rain, while allowing rainwater to percolate slowly, preventing run-off and erosion.
Soil aggregation can physically protect organic carbon from decay by soil microbes.
A Bodyguard is a security guard who physically protects a person against injury.
And while they recognise the threat of this killer disease they are still faced with the dilemma of physically protecting themselves from it.
The portable shrine is used to physically protect the shintai and to hide it from sight.
"We're going to find it impossible to physically protect every location," he said, "so we have to take significant steps that lead to a new level of intrusion."
In military combat, the concept of cover refers to anything which is capable of physically protecting an individual from enemy fire.
My role here wasn't to physically protect the President.
They are strongly encased, protected physically and electronically in case of damage during a major malfunction or collision.