These changes are mapped to a visual image of the device in order to physically locate the floating conductors.
With growing technology some luxury equipment has been developed such as the fish finder that uses sonar or a camera to physically locate fish.
The ceremony to physically locate and mark the claim occurred in May 1758.
The legislation required that online poker operations would have to physically locate their entire operations in the state.
He instructed his auditors to check all preclears for recent deaths, and then to physically locate their place of burial.
The Custodian of Law helped patrons to find the law by physically locating a book and putting in their hands.
He began educating directional drilling and underground industry leaders about a safer way to work around underground lines by physically locating them using a technique called vacuum excavation.
Never mind that you can't physically locate it.
Spatial and functional vicinity tests probe a patient to physically locate the various body parts in relation to others and by function; however these tests are usually failed.
Physically locating sensitive data on desktop or laptop computers can leave an organization very exposed if the computer is stolen.