The neighborhood was originally physically isolated from any other neighborhoods.
However, if the majority is large or minority members are physically isolated from one another, this diversity drops.
Strategies for the avoidance of common mode failures include keeping redundant components physically isolated.
The space was physically isolated from the other crew stations, as they were from one another.
There must be a strong emphasis on in-service support for rural educators who are often isolated physically and professionally.
Once the parameters of the time envelope were set, the girl would be physically isolated from Keithland's reality.
They favored mostly high-rise buildings on one gigantic block physically isolated from the rest of the community, not traditional attached houses.
Many species in wetland systems are unique due to the long period of time that the ecosystem has been physically isolated from other aquatic sources.
The analysis, which uses numbers from the 2000 census, reported that blacks were more physically isolated from employment nationwide than any other group.
The village is physically isolated anyway, and the cumulative effect of all these things left us even more cut off than before.