Being physically helpless again made him emotionally vulnerable.
The disease attacks the brain, leaving a person mentally and physically helpless.
As I thought of him, new terrors convulsed me, and I fell to the floor; not fainting, but physically helpless.
Qing-jao was therefore Jane's most dangerous enemy, and Jane was helpless to stop her-at least physically.
Though physically helpless, her father's emotions drenched her in a black, oily poison of hatred and twisted satisfaction.
(c) The actor knows or has reason to know that the victim is mentally defective, mentally incapacitated, or physically helpless.
Physically helpless now, the Vians hesitated, their essential test threatened with final disaster.
Rather, the new one says, the three took advantage of the fact that the victim was "incapable of consent" because she was "physically helpless."
By all appearances Worsel was physically helpless.
Instead, he had entangled Five-face in a mesh that rendered the criminal physically helpless.