MMCmicro appears very similar to microSD but the two formats are not physically compatible and have incompatible pinouts.
This interface is electrically and physically compatible with MMC specification.
Some of these boards are physically compatible with the Arduino.
The Europlug is physically not compatible with BS 1363 13 A sockets.
The similarity is such that a PGA socket may be physically compatible with some DIP devices, though the converse is rarely true.
As the ImageWriter was the only model of printer physically compatible with the Macintosh printer port, this created an effective, closed system.
You and I aren't physically compatible.
They are superficially similar to the older and smaller DIN connector range, but are not physically compatible with them.
The L5-15R, while sharing the same electrical rating, is a locking design that is not physically compatible with the straight-blade 5-15 design.