The two fledgling breweries were physically close and shared technology.
Much of Ms. Morath's work looks physically close but emotionally removed.
The virtual successor may not be physically close to the node, but the bootstrapping process should have established a route to it.
I wanted him as close physically as I'd had him metaphysically.
Also, they can experience one another's pain if they are physically close to each other.
The next billion to be connected are living in homes that are physically close to an Internet gateway.
These methods establish correlations between nuclei which are physically close to each other regardless of whether there is a bond between them.
The two stars appear close to each other by coincidence and are not physically close in space.
The transmitter is physically close to the optical fiber and may even have a lens to focus the light into the fiber.
"The states of the lower gulf are physically close to Iran and far from Iraq."