First, the blade runner sets up his equipment, which monitors physical signals like muscle movement in the subject's eye.
There are very few physical signals on the line, apart from indications at cross-overs.
If the need were urgent, I could strip you and so reestablish the physical signals.
Not all these methods require the use of physical signals and some systems are specific to single track railways.
She knew why: they were too close, and he had a conflict between physical and intellectual signals.
This property would render the concept inadequate as a model of physical "white noise" signals.
Sound, the physical signal perceived by the auditory system.
Their hearing was acute enough to pick up physical signals transmitted through solid rock, such as tapped codes.
This set and a language (code) relating the alternatives to physical signals are established.
However, as radio and television weather reports became increasingly effective, the need to hoist physical signals diminished.