Drives with both 4k logical and 4k physical sectors are not supported.
But they simulate the same 512-byte sort of subsectors, just by dividing the physical sectors up into smaller pieces.
You know, this is every physical sector of the drive.
Now we've got drives that have many, many, many more physical sectors.
A storage block is a physical sector on the surface of a disk or diskette.
In this example, physical sectors 3 and 5 were found to be bad.
Well, what happens is, the drive takes that physical sector that was 32627 and makes it inaccessible.
There's a problem with being unable to install the rootkit because it insists on going on a specific physical sector.
And if that physical sector happened to be bad, oh, darn, you wouldn't be able to install your rootkit there.
One example of such design would be through the use of physical sectors slightly larger than the logical sectors.