Major physical renovations have been made to prepare our building for this new concept.
It has never undergone a physical renovation.
Currently, the hospital is undergoing extensive physical renovation.
All the cultural institutions in Harlem are going through a period of incredible growth, and it's not just about physical renovation.
Both of these complexes have undergone significant physical renovations and tenant changes in the intervening years.
They are so heavy and bulky that installing them often requires physical renovations to airport terminals.
Parker has approximately 1,000 students, and has undergone considerable physical renovation between 2000 and 2009.
The recent flurry of physical renovation that local residents may have seen is in part a response to two deadlines that municipalities have to meet.
Over the course of the next 3 years, the studio underwent a few physical renovations and upgrades in recording gear.
She said some physical renovations have been done.