In "Lucretia," Botticelli confronted a brutal story with clarity and physical immediacy, just as he had painted love.
If Mr. Lyne's great flair is for giving these things a powerfully physical immediacy, his biggest difficulty is in keeping them straight.
In fact, the integrity of the storytelling is in the narrowness of the child's viewpoint, the physical immediacy, the bewilderment.
Farm animals had, likewise, a physical immediacy, a firsthand quality that smacks of the farmyard, not of the butcher's shop.
Generally, when the victim's physical immediacy was increased, the participant's compliance decreased.
The participant's compliance also decreased when the authority's physical immediacy decreased (Experiments 1-4).
The landscape, physical aftermath of titanic rage, frames the run, physical immediacy of titanic power.
The panels are attached to wooden frames, yielding a nice dialogue between the physical immediacy and atmospheric distance (Johnson).
The way the hair covers His ears both restrains His head, holding it back, and makes the face pop forward, establishing His physical immediacy.
His physical immediacy made the audience share his character's terror.