But the hasty patchwork does little to mask the physical and emotional devastation.
That plot description got us wondering: Is it really possible for a group of hackers to cause economic or physical devastation in the United States?
The physical devastation of downtown may have been the deciding factor.
Only a few outward marks of physical devastation are still visible, but the human damage remains embedded in people's minds.
He argues that threats to destroy are often as socially disruptive as physical devastation itself.
Is it really possible for hackers to cause economic or physical devastation in the United States?
We have experienced the physical and emotional devastation wrought by cancer.
Besides the war's physical devastation, many rejected the styles and thoughts of the past, kabuki among them.
He said, "We've known for years now that the emotional devastation that survivors feel and experience is often greater than the physical devastation."
The waters are receding but the emotional, physical and economic devastation remains.