Despite his large physical bulk, the man moved with feline quickness.
That is why my physical bulk is so great.
Sheer physical bulk got him near enough to the doorway to catch the eye of a harried-looking major inside.
How we see reality depends a lot more on our conception of our physical bulk than we usually think.
At such levels, the physical bulk of the electron becomes an impediment.
There, a special vault was built to house the physical bulk of nearly $230,000,000 worth of bonds.
The mercenary had several inches on him and had an impressive physical bulk.
Milevskiy is known for his technical ability and physical bulk that allows him to play with a quicker forward.
The man's immense physical bulk and high pitched voice were unmistakable.
Might it be that large implies not necessarily physical bulk or even two manuals but a keyboard with a full five octaves?