While 50 percent report histories of physical or sexual assault, the real incidence may run much higher.
Some workers also faced physical and sexual assault as means of forcing them to work.
But physical assault was not the only possible kind, nor even necessarily the worst.
Nonetheless, among the 7,000 current volunteers, recent data show no increase in the rate of major physical assaults over the last two years.
Boys, by and large, express their aggression in physical assault.
Nearly 100 journalists were victims of physical assault in 2003.
The number of hate crimes that were physical assaults is half the total.
On her body were signs of physical and sexual assault.
"He'll just make more of a scene if we don't, and he's not likely to try a physical assault here, in public."
Approximately 1.9 million women are subjected to physical assaults of one kind or another every year.