In addition, they have reduced setae on the antennal flagellum, but this may be an adaptation bearing little phylogenetic information.
Early tools using phylogenetic and structural information have shown promise in predicting the functional consequences of a mutation [ 13 ] .
These methods are likely to incorporate protein structure, the amino acid identity of the mutation and phylogenetic information.
UniFrac is a method to calculate a distance measure between organismal communities using phylogenetic information, and is widely used in metagenomics.
Any phylogenetic information retained in the sequences is not utilized beyond the presence or absence decision based on a single expectation value cut-off.
Comparative plant ecology and the role of phylogenetic information.
Phylogenies and the comparative method: a general approach to incorporating phylogenetic information into the analysis of interspecific data.
This classification system was designed to be analogous to the EC number system for classifying enzymes, but it also uses phylogenetic information.
As a result, this DNA can provide phylogenetic information of species belonging to wide systematic levels.
The tree based on conserved gene pairs appeared to combine phylogenetic information with major effects of horizontal transfer of operons.