A phrase "Daime força, daime amor" (give me strength, give me love), recurs in the doctrine's hymns.
Rich, complex chords, elaborate phrases recurring, being repeated back and forth, sometimes changing from one statement to the next.
The unexplained ominous phrase "Silence will fall" recurs throughout the fifth series of Doctor Who, in 2010.
The latter phrase particularly rankled advocates of science fiction and frequently recurs when her writing is discussed.
Such taut phrases, filled with often painful self-awareness, recur throughout the story, providing much of its quiet beauty.
The last phrase recurred constantly, like a refrain.
This phrase recurs throughout the film as a catchphrase among the Berry family.
But the old trite phrase 'no smoke without fire' recurred to me significantly.
When phrases recur, Mr. Boulez recommends rehearsing them in isolation and also making sure that the recurrences maintain the original's tempo.
When a phrase recurs exactly as before, it is called strict imitation.