When I count to five," says the auditor, "a phrase will flash into your mind to describe where you are on the track.
The three phrases flash in rapid succession on the United Illuminating Company's Web site: No stamps.
The phrase "Democracy or Dictatorship" flashed frequently across the bottoms of television screens.
Fragmentary phrases, subliminal messages, flashed before Iris's eyes.
This is a stage scene...' Scrappy phrases flashed across her mind.
Savoring the fish, a phrase from the book "Chinese Gastronomy" flashed through my mind.
The phrase flashed in his mind, reminding him how dangerous it would be to let himself get dragged into this emotionally.
Joe, you may recall, made extravagant claims about Isuzu automobiles, while the phrase "He's lying" flashed on the screen just under his leering grin.
The Navy Department's phrase flashed into his mind.
In the television ads, the Arabic phrase for "have a nice day" would flash onto the screen in black letters and on a red background.