The phrase echoed around Lizard's mind, but he didn't dwell on it.
Facts, phrases and explanations occasionally echo 10 or 20 pages later, as if she were filling in readers who hadn't seen an earlier segment.
Before he could do anything about it the phrase had echoed round the room.
Yet as the three of them left the schoolyard, the angry phrase echoed in his ears: turtle lover.
Indeed, the bishop's phrases echoed some of those in Mr. Brown's letter.
The phrase echoed through her head all the way back to Leigh End.
Before he could do anything about it the phrase had echoed around the room, "Hi, Jim boy!
The phrase echoed in his head, and she stepped aside as he entered the open turbolift.
That phrase, with its Biblical overtones, echoed in his mind.
A chime sounded, and a musical phrase echoed from the speakers.