That phrase did not then denote the removal of clothing.
In this case, the phrase denotes that the experiment is not conducted in the actual subject, but rather a model of such.
That phrase once denoted the pristine perfect picture you see in electronics stores on HDTV sets.
Such phrases denote in the sense that there is an object that satisfies the description.
In popular language, the phrase now denotes a public apology or recantation, and reparation to an injured party, for improper language or treatment.
That municipally sanctioned phrase denotes the city workers, mostly men, who pick up the trash.
Many scholars agree that the phrase denotes 'an official title of a permanent ministry', documenting the existence of a female diaconate.
Apparently, to Condon, this phrase denotes the inter-connectedness of all human beings to each other, particularly those who are committed lovers.
Both phrases denote the same kind of relation (a composition relation).
The phrase "1 bit per channel use" denotes the transmission of 1 symbol (of duration T) containing 1 data bit.