It's a photosynthetic process, of course, so atmospheric carbon compounds are a source and oxygen is a byproduct, just like any other plant life.
He assumed, to begin with, that they derived a certain degree of energy from some sort of photosynthetic process.
The achievement has already helped scientists demonstrate that there are close similarities between the photosynthetic processes in plants and bacteria.
This can affect the primary production in an area by limiting photosynthetic processes.
If we could interrupt the photosynthetic process by which a plant produces carbohydrates.,.
But there, still working, although with diminished responsibilities, at the core of the photosynthetic process is chlorophyll.
This weird metabolism of their bodies was aided by photosynthetic processes.
This means the conditions for photosynthetic processes so important for primary production, are available to coastal marine habitats.
He had known that there was some kind of non-organic photosynthetic process going on on the surface of the dust.
When the biological clock in the treated plants activated the photosynthetic process each day, the seedlings began to glow.