The largest of these images, made by placing objects on photosensitive paper that was then exposed to light, will be offered Monday at Christie's.
Some used pens on ordinary paper, while others used light beams to expose photosensitive paper.
The image in the emulsion has been pressed as close as possible to the photosensitive paper.
He has signed prints with thumbprints and imprinted photosensitive paper with his body in his stunning series of "Angel" photograms.
Animate or inanimate objects are placed on photosensitive paper and then exposed to light, and almost everything it records tends to dematerialize.
While collage yields a single piece of art, pholage can be reproduced by exposing photosensitive paper through the mask, or any other reproductive technique.
He also patented a photosensitive paper used in Southern Italy.
This show consists mostly of photograms - cameraless works made by placing objects on photosensitive paper exposed to light - from the 1930's.
Others used light beams to expose photosensitive paper.
The images are made directly from the specimens by placing them on glass and projecting light through them onto photosensitive paper.