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The book departs from more 'mainstream' histories of photographic portraiture and is stimulating.
Zhukov had long since realized that there was little money in photographic portraiture and had turned his talents to other, more profitable sidelines.
As a result, Ross's portraits look somewhate antiquated and her work falls outside the mainstream of contemporary photographic portraiture.
In 1903, a strategy emerged to use photographic portraiture to rehabilitate her public image.
Much of the work deals with photographic portraiture and gives a privileged genre a subversive spin.
The man who brought renewed vitality to the art of photographic portraiture had intended to be a carpenter, having learned the craft from his father.
For the past 25 years, she has used photographic portraiture with oral interviews to research Jewish culture in America.
David says: "Each of the seven featured artists has a very different approach to photographic portraiture.
Their pictures suggest that photographic portraiture no longer represents anything solid in terms of the character or identity of the person photographed.
The cabinet card was the style of photograph which was universally adopted for photographic portraiture in 1870.