Then she packed a condensed photographic encyclopedia of the modem world and a photographic exploration of space that would just blow Richard's mind.
Foundation, which is raising funds to send her on yet another 50-state photographic exploration.
Flach's third book, More Than Human, published in October 2012, is a photographic exploration of animal species ranging from mammals to marine creatures to insects.
By the mid-70s, Epstein had abandoned his academic studies and begun to travel, embarking on a photographic exploration of the United States.
His current projects include a photographic exploration of the Galapagos Islands.
Brian Ulrich (born 1971) is an American photographer known for his photographic exploration of consumer culture.
A photographic exploration of some of the Top End's best secret spots.
"My Big Brother" is a photographic exploration, with a small amount of text, of a classic topic: what it's like to be a little sister.
"The Ultimate Angels" - a photographic exploration of the transsexual community in Paris.
Currently working on a photographic exploration of northern New Mexico scheduled for completion in late 2012.