Because view cameras are rather difficult to set up and focus, the photographer must seek the best camera position, perspective, etc. before exposing.
Now, perhaps, the tide is turning, and photographers are seeking to return to the very "myths" so stridently decried by Post-Modernism.
Other photographers sought to use these techniques for artistic or commercial photography.
A photographer seeks to come to grips with her past.
While the photographers clearly sought out the most grisly - and thus marketable - scenes available, they all tended to show the same dozen or so corpses.
The safety board said more than 500 reporters, photographers and other representatives of news organizations had sought credentials.
Professional photographers of static subjects such as portraits or landscapes usually seek these qualities, and therefore require a tripod to stabilize the camera for a longer exposure.
Both films have proven themselves capable performers, producing prints that have the kind of vivid, pure colors that most photographers seek.
Another aviator joined him; the two shook hands, while photographers sought to obtain shots.
A few photographers seek alternative means and venues.