For instance, the October issues of nine Condé Nast magazines, including Cargo, GQ and Vanity Fair, will carry 12-page advertorial sections of photographs celebrating the "emotion of motion," to promote the Mazda theme "Zoom-Zoom."
Rooming at an inn, where he is introduced to the daughter of the landlord, Willow, Howie notices a series of photographs celebrating the island's annual harvests, with each photograph featuring a young girl, the May Queen.
Robert Mapplethorp alone conveys a sense of doom, Revelations style, and he does it with a photograph celebrating a black man turned woman.
Lead singer Harry "Harrison" Koisser stated that the band arose out of boredom, while the name Peace was inspired by a photograph celebrating the end of World War Two.
The new "Heart Meridians" was inspired by "The Family of Man," Edward Steichen's anthology of photographs celebrating human unity, and a poem by Carl Sandburg in praise of all people.
WHITE PLAINS - "Westchester in the Movies," photographs and posters celebrating filmmaking in Westchester, from 1910 to the present; with vintage pictures from the productions of director, D. W. Griffith.
"HARLEM IS . . .," an exhibition of photographs and writings celebrating the history of the community and its noted residents.
He is a man typically found, Zelig-like, in the background of photographs celebrating the announcement of a new project or a declared candidacy.
The book is a lavishly illustrated, glossy collection of black-and-white photographs and essays celebrating the kinship of women and their daughters.
An exhibition of photographs and memorabilia celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Conservatory Garden in Central Park opens Saturday and continues through Nov. 16.