Hunter used this quiet time looking at the photo of Sandlake's daughter, Elizabeth.
Drawn forward, she picked out what must be a recent photo of his daughter.
And if not paper, then a photo of her daughter for him to sign.
My brother then did a smart thing, bringing out the latest photos of his daughter.
I enjoy reading, making things, music and taking photos of my daughter.
As a consequence, all the photos he ever took of his newborn daughter are hanging in the balance.
But no. "Here is her picture," he said, pulling out a photo of his pregnant daughter.
A New Jersey father must stand trial for taking nude photos of his 6-year-old daughter.
Perhaps, on that very same day, a proud father in another town had snapped off a photo of his new daughter.
Then he went into his study and sat for a long time simply staring at the photo of his daughter.