The photo was later removed, but the tweet remained.
When certain friends or family came over, all photos of Mr. van Roestenberg were removed from the house.
According to the Register, police confirmed that the photos originated from and had been removed from a website.
The numbered pages were interrupted where photos had been removed from the three-ring binder.
The photo had also been removed from the passport.
In May 2006, a photo of a nearly-nude female was removed from a Fotki contest by the moderators.
To this day, still many of them are filled in hand writing, the photo can be removed (for it is only glued) and the cards lack modern watermarks.
The album had several blank pages, several places where photos had been removed, leaving darker rectangles behind.
Under our system the driver's photo becomes an integral part of the license document and cannot be removed or replaced.
The photo was later removed.