The raft surged forward, churning up a faintly phosphorescent wake.
To my right Giorgio was cleaving a phosphorescent wake.
I watch Solo's boiling, phosphorescent wake as it dissipates among the somersaulting waves.
Garion leaned on the rail, looking back at the phosphorescent wake glowing behind their ship.
TheDido was gliding along in a calm sea, leaving little more than a hint of a phosphorescent wake.
Since the boats left a phosphorescent wake which was visible from the air, they would leave their engines in idle to minimize this.
Lost and gone far behind the ship's faintly phosphorescent wake.
Locke stood at the taffrail, looking down into the ship's phosphorescent wake between the glow of two stern lanterns.
He stared at the phosphorescent wake, at the mysterious something swimming beneath it.
The great streamlined shadow, leaving its phosphorescent wake, appeared suddenly almost dead ahead of him, and he made no effort to avoid it.