Graphics: Comes with a green phosphor screen 9" that weights 1.9 kg.
When these electrons hit the phosphor screen, they cause that small part of the screen to light up.
The electrons are shot from a gun aimed at the centre of the phosphor screen.
It has a phosphor screen on the inside of the front glass face plate, and an electron gun tucked away at the bottom back corner.
So it ends up behind the phosphor screen.
It was something you saw on a phosphor screen, a moving image augmented by sound, something both real and not.
The purpose of these devices was to prevent ions from discoloring the phosphor screen.
Working together, the pixels can form moving pictures on the phosphor screen.
Usually, a phosphor screen is used to convert the electron image to a photon image.
She was looking not through a lens, but at a phosphor screen, not unlike the one on your TV set.