The government established a company in 1980 to exploit phosphate deposits located in the northwest.
The territory has some phosphate deposits but their small quantities prevent further exploitation from being economically viable.
Florida has a large quantity of phosphate deposits, particularly in Bone Valley region.
There are 22 million tons of uranium in phosphate deposits.
The discovery was made when the rich phosphate deposits were being mined, and was first reported in 1998.
By 1910, the largest phosphate deposits were depleted and mining ceased.
The expiration of phosphate deposits in 1979 had a devastating impact on the economy.
That year the first settlers arrived and by 1897 they had obtained a concession from the mother country to work the phosphate deposits.
Subsequently, a large plant serving the phosphate deposits was built and became by far the largest industrial enterprise in the town.
The phosphate deposits were mined for making ammunition, explosives and fertilizers.