Prosecutors contend Merrill provided phony profits to Enron by disguising a loan as payment for a barge.
He was very highly paid until he was fired in 1994 after the company concluded that his pay was based on phony profits.
It was a year that produced carefully researched "buy" recommendations from respected analysts for companies with phony profits and lying executives.
It had already disclosed other ploys that produced phony profits in 2001.
Under the agreement, the holding company collected taxes due on the phony profits but never paid them to the I.R.S., the Government contends.
Former managers had gotten in trouble with the Securities and Exchange Commission for reporting phony profits in the 1980's.
We're making sure that executives who commit improper acts will forfeit phony profits.
However her successors immediately increased various welfare schemes funded by taxes on the phony profits of the City.
The trades used in constructing the phony profits were forward reconstitutions of US Treasury bonds.
This country should not be known for bad debt and phony profits.