In 1910-1912, Karlgren lived in China, where he studied Chinese and prepared phonological descriptions of 24 distinct dialects.
In phonological descriptions, alveolo-palatal postalveolar non-sibilants are usually not distinguished as such.
They have so far produced a phonological description, a dialect survey report and several papers on aspects of grammar.
For a phonological description of the letters, see Korean phonology.
This lack of detail, although economical and phonologically sound, requires a more careful reading of a given language's phonological description to determine the precise phonetics.
For a phonological description, see Korean phonology.
In addition to phonological description, reduplication often needs to be described morphologically as a reduplication of linguistic constituents (i.e. words, stems, roots).
'Grammar' is here used in a broad sense, covering not only morphological and syntactic but also phonological and semantic descriptions.
It is briefly mentioned in Trager (1946) and ultimately excluded from the phonological description.
Its first in-depth phonological description was provided by Nikolai Trubetzkoy in 1931.